10 Xbox Achievements That Were Actually Stupidly Satisfying

10. Do Not Shoot The Water! - Resident Evil 4 HD

No amount of superlatives could ever describe what a phenomenal game Resident Evil 4 is. Turning the series into a third person shooter hasn't worked out well in the long run (Resident Evil 6, we're looking at you) but Resident Evil 4's story, setting and awesome gunplay make it the standout title in the series.

Originally released on the Nintendo GameCube, the game has since been ported to nearly every system available, including the Xbox 360 where it received a HD overhaul as well as a bunch of gameplay additions first seen in the PlayStation 2 version. Best of all, it added twelve achievements to collect, with Do Not Shoot The Water! the highlight.

Early on in Leon's adventures through the parasite infested Spanish region, he has to do battle with an underwater monster called Del Lago. Of course, canonically, Leon kills Del Lago and goes on to be a massive hero. By shooting the water where Del Lago lives before getting onto the boat needed for the boss fight though, you can trigger a scene where Del Lago suddenly leaps out and swallows Leon whole, rewarding you with the achievement.

Hey, you can't say it didn't warn you.

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I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.