11 Reasons Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare Has Saved The Series

The first COD in years to get us excited...

By Tom Butler /

It's not big secret that the Call of Duty series has been on the decline over the years. After the remarkable achievement that was Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, the franchise just hasn't quite managed to reach the same heady heights (although it's made a bit of money along the way.) Last year's Ghosts was the last straw for many fans, and its underwhelming campaign, dull multiplayer and disappointing graphics turned a good chunk off from the entire series. Because of this, the general anticipation for Advanced Warfare was probably a lot more muted than it deserved. Thankfully, Advanced Warfare is already being widely considered as the best in the series since Modern Warfare 2, or even the original Modern Warfare. The new 'Exo Suit' has brought a whole new level of enjoyment to the multiplayer, while the futuristic setting is refreshing in a series that's become too bogged down with the trappings of modern military. The series still has a way to go before it'll be accepted as a cutting edge FPS again (peer-to-peer connections and community-dividing DLC is still an issue), but Advanced Warfare is certainly two steps in the right direction. This article takes a look at the 11 reasons why Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare has managed to save the once-great series. From bold gameplay design choices to throwbacks to what we once loved about the franchise, Advanced Warfare represents a beacon of hope for all COD fans.