11 Types Of Players Everyone HATES In Multiplayer Video Games

Try to remember, you're playing a game with your friends.

By Matt Thompson /

The vast community of gaming is one rich with diversity, overflowing with personalities and drowning in hubris.


The reputation players gained among their own social groups (never mind the wider stereotypes of the gaming community) is palpable. We all have memories of infamous gaming sessions (either locally or online) with close and new friends, and everyone had a nuanced characteristic whether they were intentional or not.

Since the earlier days when online gaming was still a beta-tested mechanism, those who participated in playing with or against actual people, all slid neatly into refined archetypes. And while most of them were generally positive, there are some that well and truly stink!

While it can all be boiled down to "Gamers Just Wanna Have Fun", there are traits and behaviours in gaming that aggravate even those who are veterans in the community. Generally, most players (even the hardcore ones) are pretty relaxed and easy going, but even they have limits when it comes to enraging bad conduct.

If you're a devoted gamer, there is no doubt you've encountered a lion's share of the eleven entries in this list. Let's hope you don't recognize a bit of yourself in any of them!

11. The Reptile

This first entry should be further to number one on the list. But because it has more to do with deliberately awful conduct, it should be addressed first and foremost.


The Reptile is a problem the gaming community has been fighting to clear up for some time. They sense a player online is a woman, and uncomfortably and shamelessly "flirt" with them despite receiving zero reciprocation. If they lose a game, their first instinct is to hurl insults at the winner.

Playing video games with opponents on the other side of the world is supposed to bring people together through shared interests - but these people see it as nothing more than a vague excuse to explore varying levels of misogyny and hate-speech. Every slur and derogatory remark has been uttered out their lips at some point - probably, quite recently.

To them, gaming is a sacred society and it's being invaded. Anyone who isn't in their narrow periphery is an offensive invasion of that society. They give gaming more than a bad name; they're the loudest voice, and sadly the world is under the belief that they speak for the community.

Hate is a strong word, but this entry couldn't be more true.
