11 Video Games You Won’t Believe Are In Development

Crysis 4? The Last of Us Remake? Metal Gear Solid 6?!

By Josh Brown /

It can be tough to keep track of video games. Between constant new releases that demand hours of your time, new announcement blitzes at fancy press conferences and new rumours constantly promising wild projects like Kojima's Silent Hills being in the works (again!), there's a lot to keep up with.


As a result, it's easy to miss the fact that there are some absolutely tantalising titles currently in development. Not only that, but the following projects are all so outlandish that it might actually be difficult to believe they're real at all.

Now, some caveats first. While a lot of the following games have been officially announced, a few are very much still rumours at this point. However, we haven't just included any old thing taken off 4Chan. Instead, where a game is only rumoured, it has been leaked by someone with a proven track record, with their own sources from within the industry, who rarely miss with this stuff.

The other games have all had low-key announcements, be it tiny press releases or throwaway lines at publisher shareholder meetings. No matter the origin though, they all wrongly slipped through the cracks.

11. Crysis 4

The Crysis series - along with developer Crytek - has had a pretty weird decade. After two sequels in Crysis 2 and 3 the franchise was put on ice, with EA not seeing the alien shooter as viable (which is what they said about their other alien shooter, Dead Space, too). The devs then encountered money problems, restructured the studio, released a couple VR games and spent the last few years supporting their excellent multiplayer survival game Hunt: Showdown.


Put simply, the studio has mostly kept its head down, which is why you might have missed that they announced that a new Crysis was in development earlier this year. Alongside a teaser trailer on their website, Crytek confirmed that the new game will be a "next-gen shooter" but that it's still extremely early in development, with the team currently hiring. As a result, don't expect to see this one for a good few years yet.

The question is, of course, should a Crysis sequel even happen? And, more importantly, will your PC even be able to run it?

Either way, Crysis 2 slapped, so count me in.
