12 Awesome Video Game Alternate Endings

You thought you'd seen the best? Think again!

By Jack Pooley /

The end to a video game can ultimately make or break it: if developers put absolutely no effort in, there's no feeling of reward, but if they give gamers a gloriously cinematic, satisfying send-off, it's a great cherry on top of an already awesome title. It's becoming increasingly common these days, however, for games to feature multiple or alternate endings, allowing the player to arrive at a slightly more personal finale based on their own choices.


Whether this ending is a result of choices made throughout the game or an "A, B, or C" selection at the very end, each of these games delivered an extremely memorable alternate to what is widely regarded as the "canon" or happy ending.

Sure, some of these endings don't make any sense in the context of a franchise, but on their own, they're a fantastic alternative to what ultimately began the "legit" ending for the game. So, what does this list have? An offer you can't refuse (but can certainly try to), a grimmer-than-grim ending that should have been canon, a character death everyone desperately wanted to happen, a few total WTF endings, and a thought-provoking climax that proved vastly superior to the ultimately more popular ending. And sometimes, an alternate ending just wants to troll the player, and it simply has to be seen to be believed.


Here are 12 awesome alternate endings for some of the best video games ever made...