12 Awesome Video Game Alternate Endings

12. Refusing G-Man's Offer - Half-Life

At the end of Valve's revolutionary FPS, Gordon Freeman defeats the Nihilanth and is confronted by the mysterious G-Man, who offers Freeman a choice: either join his employ or face a battle he has no chance of winning.

The Actual Ending: The mere existence of Half-Life 2 makes it clear that the canon ending is Gordon's acceptance of G-Man's offer, as he walks into the green orb of light and text appears stating that he has been "hired, awaiting assignment" before the credits roll.

The Alternate Ending: However, if you take more than 15 seconds to accept G-Man's offer, he will assume it to be a refusal, and sends you unarmed to an alien cave where you're stared down by a horde of innumerable monsters. G-Man says, "Well, it looks like we won't be working together. No regrets, Mr. Freeman", as the game's final text states "subject declined offer of employment".

Why It's Awesome: Even though it cannot be canon, it's such a bada** ending because it allows Freeman to go out on his own terms, and though it would have been better if the player could maybe spend a few seconds trying to fight the aliens with a crowbar, it's still a suitably grim showcase of G-Man's immense powers.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.