12 Gaming Sequels That Aren't In Development (But Really Should Be)

There are those astounding games, whether new IP's in their own right or classic franchises, that have been crying out for a new title for years.

By Jack Pooley /

Sequels often get a bad rap in the gaming world because they are so frequently an indication of a lack of creativity, that a studio has decided to simply rehash old ideas rather than brave something new and daring. Take the Call of Duty franchise and the countless IP's that EA have run into the ground with annualised, more casual releases, and it's clear that so often a needless sequel can undo much of the brilliance that the previous game(s) delivered. And then there are those astounding games, whether new IP's in their own right or classic franchises with plenty of steam left, that have been crying out for a new title for years and years. The reasons for it not happening are numerous, ranging from a perceived lack of an audience, to legal issues and also costs. Though the clandestine nature of video game development means that some of these games just might be under development, it's highly unlikely, either because of a prior game's failure or because the studio themselves have flat-out said that it's not a possibility. Do you agree or disagree with my picks? Please suggest your own sequels in the comments section!