12 Greatest Real Time Strategy Video Games Of All Time

For those willing to give entire lifetimes to gaming's epic stat-crunchers, we salute you.

By Sam Heard /

In a video gaming era dominated by high-speed racers, explosive first person shooters and addictive pick-up-and-play iOS games, the Real Time Strategy (RTS) genre does things a bit differently. In their purest form, RTS games appear to slow the tempo down somewhat, challenging their gamer with taking a step back and taking control of an army attempting to vanquish your enemies. RTS games apparently being slower than the offering of contemporary games is a misconception however €“ to become a skilled commander in an RTS game you must be incredibly quick and accurate at micromanaging your army and base to ensure that you remain one step ahead of your enemies at all times. Though newer offerings have attempted to reconfigure some of the fundamentals, generally speaking RTS games involve managing an economy by amassing resources which can be used to train and maintain a formidable force of warriors. You must then deliberate where on the game€™s map to station your force to give you the greatest tactical advantage €“ you could place them to defend a vital location, send them in to cripple your enemy€™s economy with a blitzing attack or go-for-broke and send your entire force to mount an attack on the opposition€™s base. Over the years developers have treated us to some incredible RTS games, many of which are widely considered to be some of the finest games in any genre. These classic titles have pushed the tactical part of our brains to their absolute limits, frustrated us to tears and given us a unique rush as we impose our wills on an inferior commander. Here are the 12 Greatest Real Time Strategy Games Of All Time: