12 New Details You Didn’t Know About In 2016’s Remaining Video Games

All the latest information on the biggest upcoming games of the year, all in one place.

By Scott Tailford /

EA/Sony/Microsoft/Warner Bros/Activision

Despite August and September being relatively title-free in terms of big triple-As worth talking about, October through Christmas is going to remedy that in a big way. In the words of Liquid Snake, "It's not over yet!"


There are multiple majorly-anticipated games per month, and that's before you get into the ones that have been in the oven for almost a decade. Not one but two games that have 10 years to their name will be dropping in the next few months, providing very interesting cases of what sort of expectations we have when a project is in the public eye for so long.

Still, 2016 has been a phenomenal year for gaming across the board, be it the Games of the Year (So Far) or just this past Summer's release slate including the likes of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided and the mighty Pokémon GO.


We're nowhere near done yet though, and as you'll most likely be purchasing a good handful of the following titles, you'd best be up to date on the newest information available so far. Starting with...



12. Titanfall 2's Physical Copies On PC Won't Contain Discs


Yup... it's as WTF-inducing as it sounds. EA have decided - in their infinite, money-grubbing wisdom - not to stop selling physical copies of Titanfall 2 entirely, but that they'll not contain discs on PC. Instead, when you open up a copy of the game, you'll be presented with a download code... which is completely anathema to the point of choosing physical media in the first place.

The whole point of making the effort to pick up a physical disc is to get around download speeds, but with this bizarre stepping stone towards complete digital distribution, EA want to appease those customers who still go to brick n' mortar stores, before asking them to sit and wait for a download anyway.


It's maddening.

Cost-wise, producing discs is actually the lowest amount in regards to artwork, boxes and security wrapping, but clearly EA want to send the message that they wholeheartedly believe in a digital future.


Do you agree?