12 New Details You Didn’t Know About In 2016’s Remaining Video Games

11. Watch Dogs 2 Might Have The Coolest Multiplayer Mode Of The Year

watch dogs 2

Is two years enough to heal a gaping wound like Watch Dogs? Hopefully, because so far, the sequel looks fantastic. Ubisoft have really made a point of listening and amending every criticism of its misfire original, and where that 2014 release ushered in the idea of beaming into each others' games, Dark Souls-style, Watch Dogs 2 is going one step further.

In the sequel, naturally you're going to get involved in a number of crime sprees and high-octane capers involving the police attempting to bring you down. Well, Ubisoft have made it so other players can opt to join your game as the pursuers, ostensibly making any car chase a dynamic multiplayer event.

Such a thing was seen in Dark Souls II, where a boss battle against the 'Looking Glass Knight' would summon other players to fight you. Depending on the skill level of said players, it therefore made this fight one of the hardest and most memorable of the entire game, and to think this could happen during any chase scenario - perhaps even on-foot - is just brilliant.

Your move, GTA.

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