12 Things We Learned From Nintendo's Super Smash Bros Reveal

It's that time again. Kick the hype-machine into high gear...Super Smash Bros. is back!

By Philip Haynes /

Nintendo€™s Wii U console has been struggling to build momentum since it launched back in late 2012. Pikmin 3 didn€™t help boost sales. Neither did Wii Fit, Zelda or Mario. The Big N is rapidly running out of things to pull out of its proverbial magic hat to make Wii U a must-own system. But wait €“ Smash Bros! It€™s due out this year and Nintendo recently dedicated an entire presentation to it. Let€™s just hope the game is as good at boosting console sales as it is at ruining friendships. The latest instalment in the long-running brawler franchise will see a release on two platforms €“ Wii U and 3DS. It€™s an ambitious project to be sure, so it can only be a good thing that Nintendo has enlisted the help of beat 'em up gurus Namco to develop the game. Judging by what we€™ve seen so far, Super Smash Bros. appears to be coming along swimmingly. We propped our eyes open Clockwork Orange style to make sure that we didn€™t miss a thing during the presentation. What did we learn? That blinking is a reflex action for a reason. Oh, and lots of stuff about Super Smash Bros. Starting with€

12. Both Versions Will Launch This Year

One of the first announcements of the presentation was that Super Smash Bros. will be punching Wii U and 3DS owners in the face with its awesomeness this year. Series creator Masahiro Sakura didn't provide specific release dates, but did reveal that the current plan is to launch the 3DS version first in summer, while the Wii U version will arrive a bit later in winter. Considering that the Wii U is struggling to find its audience and the 3DS is seemingly going from strength to strength, releasing the handheld version first is a bit of a puzzling choice as it could potentially kill the hype for its console sibling. Then again, it could whet Smash fans' appetite for the console version, as the game is basically designed to be played by a group of friends on a nice, comfy sofa in front of a big screen.