12 Video Game Genres That Desperately Need A Comeback

From rocking out with a plastic guitar to classic point-and-click adventure games...

By Jack Pooley /

As gamers spend a lot of their time bemoaning the craven tactics of video game developers to cheekily part them with their cash, it's hard not to feel a little nostalgic, to wish for a return to a simpler time, or perhaps to just yearn to spend a night with the type of video game that just isn't really made anymore. Indeed, while MMORPGs release by the dozen and Call of Duty continues to show healthy sales, these 12 video game genres have gone down the tubes in recent years, and it's a damn shame. This list ranges from the most niche type of simulator imaginable to a game type that, on paper, should never seem to go out of date. Nevertheless, each has gone the way of the dodo, leaving loyal fans chomping at the bit for more, and save for returning to their pre-existing library, pretty much totally out of luck. Why is this? For the most part, it's trend-related, but it can also be due to technical reasons, or because the Internet has all but killed a certain pastime, and each is steamrolled out of existence due to circumstances beyond its control. However, developers aren't completely powerless to change this (especially in the golden age of the indie), by taking a gamble on one of these genres and, if they're successful, possibly ensuring a healthy new selection of titles in a similar vein. These game genres aren't going to be for everyone (evidently), though they're a niche that still demands to be filled, regardless of what the nay-sayers and bean counters might think. Here are 12 video game genres that desperately need a comeback...
