12 Video Games You Presumed Were Massive Flops (That Really Weren't)

Which games that apparently "flopped" do you actually love?

By Jack Pooley /

What defines a video game flop? Typically, it's one of two things: critical failure or commercial failure (and often both). It's fair to say that the majority of the games on this list were critical flops, but at the end of the day, the bottom financial line is easily the most important figure, as gaming is a business after all. Countless bad video games end up turning a profit (just how do those Sims expansion packs keep selling?), yet given how often these 12 games end up associated with the word "flop", you'd assume they crashed and burned in every way that a video game possibly could have. The truth is a little different, however, and context is important. They may not have met the high financial expectations of previous games in the series or may have been commercially disappointing due to over-budgeting or over-production, but they are, in fact, far away from verifiable flops which lost their companies money hand over fist. In many cases, we wish the games on this list were more of a flop, given how truly awful some of the titles included are, whereas others are unfairly tarred with the same brush despite being solid fun, and in one case, a genuine masterpiece. Which games that apparently "flopped" do you actually love? Let us know in the comments!