12 Video Games To Get Your Partner Into Gaming

Don't worry, we've got everything covered.

By Philip Haynes /

Oh, you know how it is. You and your partner both come home from a hard day's work and want nothing more than to chill for a bit by indulging in your favourite leisure activities. But you only have one TV, and are very different kinds of couch potatoes. You're more partial to gaming the evening away while they're content to binge watch their favourite show. It's a source of tension and arguments in many a relationship. It's not that your partner hates games, though - it's just that they've never really played them before. It's easy for those that have grown up with games to forget how intimidating a controller can look to fresh eyes, what with its analog sticks and seemingly endless number of buttons crammed into every crevice. But it's fair to say that there has never been a better time to get into gaming. The industry is blossoming and video gaming has never been more user-friendly, with developers taking great care to ensure that their products are playable and enjoyable for both the inexperienced and veterans alike. That's not much help when there are literally thousands of games to choose from though and that's why we've compiled a handy list of games that we think are great starting points for getting into the medium. Don't worry - you'll have your partner gaming alongside you in no time!

12. The LEGO Games

Is your partner a popular culture obsessive? If so, then one of the many LEGO game spoofs may be a good choice for them to start off with. Over the years games in the series have hilariously parodied the likes of Harry Potter, Star Wars, Lord Of The Rings and Batman. Chances are very high that your partner will like at least one of those. The great thing about the games is that they're very easy to play, with most levels consisting of jumping and bashing your way through areas while hoarding LEGO studs like no-one's business. You can even play together, thanks to all of the games supporting co-op. All in all, the LEGO games are just plain fun. Their gameplay is simple yet addictive and their cut-scenes pay homage to their source material in a very charming way. Good times are guaranteed to be had with any LEGO game, really.