15 Facts About Gaming In 2015 That’ll Blow Your Mind

How old is the average gamer? Do women play more than men? Just how long do we tend to play for?

By Scott Tailford /

Don't you love polls, facts and stats? No? Oh, come on, what if I told you 63% of people regularly take place in polls, two in five of you have already considered leaving this article and pursuing something else, and there's a 99% chance you'll finish this sentence?


See? Gives everything a nice bit of weight, doesn't it? Some purpose in this topsy-turvy world, and when it comes to gaming, shines a light into our respective habits, which things we all have in common, buyer habits, subtle influencing factors and more. It's how we find out exactly why the industry is happy to produce sequels until the last brain cell dies off, why DLC packs cost what they do, what the average age of a gamer is, and so on.

Thanks to the folks over at ESA (the Entertainment Software Association), they've put out their latest roundup of what everyone's playing, surveying 4000 American homes to find out what the biggest titles and genres were, what our purchasing habits can tell us about what's coming in the future, what age brackets hoover up the most content - all the good stuff.


So, not to get all Big Brother on you, but everything these days is tracked and monitored - although the upside is we get to put together awesome little articles like this. We're more alike than you think, fellow gamer, and here are 15 reasons why.

Note: Facts in the opening sentence may be 100% inaccurate.
