15 'Horror' Video Games That Totally Failed To Scare Anyone

A half-man, half-pig was always going to be terrifying or absolutely hilarious. You decide.

By Richard John Dorricott /

Some of the best survival horror games in history have relied on atmosphere over cheap jump-scares, cultivating an unnerving sense of utter dread around a very particular environment and a specific set of grim circumstances. Games like Resident Evil, Silent Hill 2, Dead Space and Alien: Isolation take the time to really build the tension and explain just how dire your situation really is. What they don€™t do, is just throw stuff at you and expect you to react accordingly.


Of course, not all horror games have to be patient; it certainly isn€™t a requirement, and many great horror titles have excelled by doing the complete opposite. Resident Evil 4 pulled a Wicker Man and threw the player into a village full of crazies, expecting them to handle themselves and find a way to survive. A sink or swim mentality can work just fine, as can jump-scares when handled correctly and done with a degree of tact.

Unfortunately, with a lot of so-called 'horror' games, neither of those two options really pan out. It€™s not that they€™re not trying to be scary, it€™s just that they don€™t have a clue how to go about it. At this point, games like Dead Space 3 are basically just adventure games set in a vaguely dour environment. Sure, someone will occasionally pop up and shout €œBoo!€ but it lacks conviction; they€™re just going through the motions, and eventually even the creepiest of monsters becomes just another routine inconvenience.


With that said, here are the 15 worst examples of games that tried with all their might to frighten you, and failed so stupendously that it€™s almost funny. Almost€