15 Scariest Video Games Of The Decade (So Far)

Things that make you go "ARGH!"

By Matty Coxhill /

Being scared shouldn€™t be something that we, as humans, actively seek out €“ yet there€™s a whole group of us who not only look for it, but revel in it while we do. Scary books, horror films and TV shows are all ways in which the horror fan will try and look for that next shot of adrenaline to the system €“ and for many, the scarier the experience, the better. With games, there€™s often a more emotional feel to the experience, because rather than a character in a non-interactive medium being the one feeling the tension, it€™s you, the player, that feels it. Developers know this, so often, their aim is to try and make as gruelling and objectively horrifying an experience as possible €“ often with great success. Those games that go above and beyond what €œscary€ would normally be are seen as classics, and trailblazers in their genre €“ to the delight of the horror fans playing them. So, with Halloween on the horizon, and the long nights now upon us, it€™s time to crack open those games that really chilled the spirit and gave you the willies from the current decade, in celebration of the spookiest night of the year.