15 Terrible Mistakes That Almost Ruined Grand Theft Auto

17 years of GTA doesn't come without some close calls.

By Jack Pooley /

The Grand Theft Auto series has come a long way since its origins in 1997 as a low-res, top-down shooter: last year's Grand Theft Auto V, though not quite delivering the online mode we were hoping for, served up the sandbox genre at its most hilarious, intelligent and insane, and there's little doubt that Rockstar are already hard at work planning the sixth game in the series (which will hopefully be set in Vice City). As awesome as the series has been, it's hard to escape the truth that there are several aspects (in fact, 15) of the GTA franchise which aren't so great, and very nearly ruined our enjoyment entirely. This relates to broken promises made by Rockstar, controversial content accidentally left in the game's code, the series' most annoying missions, unexpected and unnecessary full-frontal male nudity, absurd micro-management of your character and plenty more. Whether honest mistakes or attempts to challenge gamers and change-up the gameplay, these aspects of the gameplay fell totally flat and just left gamers irritated. As brilliantly consistent as the series is on the whole, even it isn't free from criticism, and had these 15 issues been rectified, the GTA series would be flying even higher than it already is. Here are 15 terrible mistakes that almost ruined GTA for everyone.