15 Upcoming Video Games You'll Play Even If The Reviews Are Terrible

You're playing these games no matter what the critics say...

By Jack Pooley /

Believe it or not, some video games can be deemed "critic proof". They're the games that most gamers are going to play regardless of what the critics say, because the hype-o-meter is just that far off the charts. Compare this to, say, upcoming titles like Evolve and The Order: 1886, both of which have received mixed notices from preview playtests so far, and as such most gamers will be waiting to read the reviews before buying them. These 15 games, on the other hand, are hyped-up enough that you probably don't care all that much about how they're reviewed, and will simply experience it for yourself on release day no matter what. Perhaps it's an entry into a series that's never steered you wrong before or maybe it presents a gameplay experience that hasn't been seen in quite some time, but even if the Metacritic score is dire, you'll still be there on day one with your money burning a hole in your pocket. From long-awaited RPGs to the first entry in a certain shooter franchise in almost a decade, a promising racing game making the leap to the new generation of consoles and everything in between, here are 15 video games you'll play even if the reviews are terrible...
