20 Predictions For 2017 Video Games' Metacritic Scores

Rockstar does it again.

By Jack Pooley /

2017 is shaping up to be an absolutely stacked year for games, and it's gotten off to a great start with the acclaimed likes of Gravity Rush 2, Resident Evil 7 and Yakuza 0.


The year is young, of course, and the slate is already filling up with must-have titles, be they long-awaited sequels or new IPs altogether, that'll be begging for your hard-earned cash.

In an age where it feels like publishers are employing more and more underhanded tactics to sell their games, reviews often feel like a vital barometer of a game's quality before forking over your cash, especially as there are usually so few tangible advantages to pre-ordering.

Metacritic's consensus score is the metric by which success and failure can be measured: some publishers hand out bonuses if a game lands on a certain arbitrary number, and in this day and age anything under an 80 will be dismissed by many as a pile of hot garbage.

It may be fickle to reduce a game to just two digits, but more often than not these numbers do reflect a game's general quality, and so now it's time to see what might land and miss during the rest of the year.

Here are 20 predictions for 2017's biggest video games' Metacritic scores...

20. Horizon Zero Dawn (84)

Horizon Zero Dawn is the year's first big new IP, and Sony has clearly invested a ton of money in a huge marketing campaign for the beginning of what they hope will be a new hit franchise.


Though there are still many unanswered questions surrounding the game's plot, length and mission variety, Guerrilla Games have given the press extensive access to the game ahead of release, and the responses so far are extremely encouraging.

Expect an entertaining open-world adventure game that isn't quite among the year's very best games, but is nevertheless one of 2017's best new franchises on any platform, and with its eye-melting visuals serves as a fantastic advert for PlayStation Pro to boot.
