21 WTF Moments From Zelda History

WARNING: May contain humping zombies, psychopathic shopkeepers and creepy old men in red underpants.

By Tom Butler /

Ever since the first game's release in 1986, the Legend of Zelda franchise has become one of the most beloved action RPG series of all time. Filled with memorable characters, unique worlds and wild imagination, just about every Zelda game is a joy to behold. The franchise has also been incredibly commercially successful, with a Zelda game consistently being among the greatest highlights of every Nintendo console since the NES. The series has had its own television series, comic books and even a themed Monopoly board. Despite their mainstream popularity, the Legend of Zelda games often have a tendency to be a bit on the weird side. While some are a bit odder than others (looking at you Majora's Mask), each entry in the series has featured moments that made gamers laugh at loud at the absurdity of it all. This list takes a look at the 21 most bizarre, hilarious and downright weird moments from Zelda history. From eccentric villains to disturbing characters that are apparently meant to be friendly, these astonishing moments are sure to make you WTF.

21. Ganondorf's Laugh

Game: The Wind Waker Ganondorf might be the most famous of all Link's foes, but that doesn't excuse him from having the most bizarrely hilarious laugh of just about any video game villain. His hearty throat warbling in this clip from Wind Waker never seems to end, and just keeps on giving.