21 WTF Moments From Zelda History

20. Killer Shopkeeper

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KHTqt4unso Game: Link's Awakening This shopkeeper from the portable Zelda title Link's awakening seems friendly enough, until you steal something from his store. If you return to the shop, he fires a beam of raw energy, killing you instantly. Presumably in an attempt to teach kids that stealing is bad, Link is also referred to only as THIEF for the rest of the game, and a sarcastic message berates the player every time you commit a theft.

19. The Creepy Fairy

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_QdVjYQjI8#t=110 Game: Ocarina of Time Aren't fairies meant to be nice and cute? Apparently not, if Ocarina of Time is anything to go by. The Great Fairy introduces herself with a horrifying shriek, and is weirdly sexualised to top off the WTF factor nicely.

Tom Butler hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.