5 Greatest Video Game Wingmen Of All Time

By C Dillon /

Sometimes in video games we get a side character that is really funny, is interesting and who always has your back. Not to be confused with sidekicks or burdensome escorts, wingmen are usually just cut-scene characters that sometimes jump in on the action. A sidekick article might feature a character like Luigi or Ellie but this won't. To echo the title, this list will only feature male characters and more specifically those who fit the buddy profile, which isn't sexist, it just so happens there aren't many female characters who fit that bill. That being said I'm not basing this article on the literal sense of the title of 'wingman' but you'll see that for yourself! A good wingman can really make a game. That might sound stupid but it's true; in a world where almost every video game character is a white, skin-head with stubble, afraid-of-nothing badass, it stand to reason that these side characters bring much-needed humour and light-heartedness to the fray. They also tend to provide the game with more depth of characterisation and story. They are lynch-pins of their series', not only bringing humour and loyalty but providing back-up whenever necessary. Every game is made better by a great wingman. This list of side characters, or wingmen, should prove how important these characters are, not only to their in-game buddies, but also to the game as a whole.