5 Reasons You Should Drop What You’re Doing To Play Demon's Souls

By Callum Gibson /

Welcome to the second in my "games you can get for cheap and should probably play" series of articles. This installment will focus on that great instigator of hate, Demon's Souls. Out of the five or so games I plan on writing this series about, this is probably the one that I've spent the most time with - partly because it's my favorite, and partly because it's so damn hard I had to keep waiting for new controllers to be delivered from Amazon after smashing yet another one against the wall in a self-loathing burst of frustrated anger. Anyway, like Spec Ops: The Line before it, this is a game you can get on a budget and one that everyone should try at least once. It's not for everybody €“ and I'll get to why a little later €“ but it's something you need to experience, mainly because there's nothing quite like it... apart from its spiritual successor, Dark Souls (and the upcoming, imaginatively titled Dark Souls 2, of course), but the sales figures on that one were much better, so I'm guessing a whole load of you already played it. Regardless, follow me into the dark. Stay close because there's little light, and the shadows are long and black and they bite. Welcome to misery. Welcome to Boletaria. Welcome to Demon's Souls...