5 Reasons Why Total War: Rome II Could Be The Best Game Of 2013

By Adam Henderson /

Nine years ago the Creative Assembly team released Rome: Total War. It has gone on to become one of the most critically acclaimed and bestselling PC strategy games in history. Despite having brought out several more Total War games since; Rome is still considered to be the best by many fans of the series and for years they have been calling for the sequel. Well it€™s finally been announced and Rome II will be released towards the end of this year. With many new features having been introduced in the previous few games, the Total War series has progressed and become better with each passing year. Rome II will combine the advancements in technology made in the last decade with the new features that the Creative Assembly team have introduced to the Total War series. This, combined with a 40% higher budget than normal and the fact the series is returning to what is undoubtedly the most exciting and interesting period in history, looks set to make Rome II the best Total War game ever and €“ possibly €“ the best game to be released in 2013. Read on to see 5 reasons why Rome II will be so good.

5. Amphibious Warfare

An exciting new feature which will transform the way battles are fought in Total War. Amphibious battles will be an excellent addition to the game as they allow for several new options in battles. Firstly, you will be able to choose the points at which ships drop soldiers off allowing you to exploit certain weak spots in the enemies defence. Or in a coastal city with a harbour you may be able to bring your ships inside the city and drop soldiers of there. Secondly, ships will be able to act as floating artillery as they can bombard both enemy soldiers and fortifications. The third, and possibly most interesting new option, is that players will be able to use ships to transport units around the battlefield at very quick speeds. Amphibious Warfare creates new ways for players to fight battles. You can use the naval artillery to help capture cities during coastal sieges €“ in fact it will be possible for navies to capture coastal cities on their own if they aren€™t well defended. The ability to transport units quickly by ship will make coastal battles a lot more interesting as it gives the opportunity to flank opponents or drop soldiers at a different point of a city during sieges. The idea of a battle where both sides have navies is also interesting as you will have to gain victory both by land and sea. Overall, the addition of amphibious warfare looks set to make Rome II even better as it will create a lot of new battle styles and also encourage players to utilise their navies more as they would often be less important in previous games