5 Reasons You Need To Play Telltale's Batman

Telltale have nailed everything Rocksteady left out.

By Ray Guillan /

Telltale Games have built a reputation for great narrative games based on their own unique intellectual properties, but in recent years they've also taken on the work of other studios and developers. Their reputation has continued to build, adapting The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones with massive success.


Working with DC comics, Telltale Games have taken on the Batman series with their unique brand of story-driven gameplay.

At first, I was a little unsure of how such a defined and established character could be utilised in a game where "the choices you make will effect the story" - but having played off the available episodes at the time of writing, I'm very impressed with how Telltale have handled a tale set in the Dark Knight's universe.

Whether a fan of the Batman or not, there's plenty to enjoy here as a gaming experience. And with both established fans of the Telltale and of Batman, as well as newcomers to either, I've compiled a handy list of all the major positives.

Here are five reasons you need to be playing Telltale's Batman.

5. It Tells A Risky Story That Challenges What You Know

Telltale Games have taken the universe of DC's Batman, and have managed to create a story that is new to fans of Batman, but is also accessible to newcomers.


The story is set in the early years of Batman's career. With no established villains from the Rogue's Gallery in play yet, Batman is clashing with Falcone's organised crime outfit.

Comic origins get changed and retconned all the time, so it's difficult to maintain a 'true' origin indefinitely. The strength of starting at the beginning of Bats' career is that we get to craft our own Batman origin. We're not stepping in to an established life, we're creating it, and we're doing it our own way. In this game, you are Batman. From how brutal you choose to be, or not be, through to how you handle and manage how criminals, civilians, and the police view Batman as you fight your crusade against crime and corruption.

Players are gradually introduced to key characters and concepts of the Batman universe, all done through a unique take on the setting (which will be covered in more detail coming up!).

Telltale play around with almost all expectations in terms of characters and narrative. For example, almost everyone knows the tragic story of Batman's parents - fans of the franchise or not. But Telltale throw a spanner in the works here as even Bruce's parents motives and morality are called in to question, with shady dealings and backroom politics with politicians and gangsters fueling the Wayne's millions "out of hours".
