5 Super Nintendo Games That Need A Next-Gen Sequel

By Jeffery Shull /

It seems that the types of video games getting the most attention these days are remakes and sequels. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but where is the attention that some of the older gems deserve? There were some amazing games of all genres on the Super Nintendo back during the early 90s, and it seemed people were more willing to take risks and be creative during that time. There are some golden titles that really should make a comeback and each one for various reasons; deep gameplay, engrossing stories, fun and original concepts, T-Rex fights, the list could go on. One of the things these games have in common however, is that a new entry is sorely needed. While several titles on this list may be unfamiliar to younger gamers, they are still worth checking out regardless of age. These entries cross several genres, each game different yet all of them would benefit from sequels that would use the newer game systems processing power to enhance the already great aspects of these games. The effect stronger systems have had on RPGs alone changed how people view them with large open worlds and more freedom than possible before. While definitely not an end-all-be-all list, you may agree these games have been unfairly overlooked.