5 Tips To Maintain A Healthy Relationship If You're A Hardcore Gamer

Speaking from experience, it's tough being a gamer if your significant other doesn't share the same interests.

By Johann Affendy Mahfoor /

Speaking from experience, it's tough being a gamer if you're married, especially if your significant other doesn't share the same interests. A female friend once deleted her husband's World of Warcraft account (or perhaps she uninstalled the whole game) because apparently the guy has been playing the game a tad too much; a few hours before their wedding reception. Could have picked a better time to play WoW but still, deleting games out of anger are just crossing the proverbial line. Luckily for me and my wife, we have not been in that sort of punishing situation though I admit the first transitional year of marriage was rough on my gaming life. However I managed to formulate a tactical plan to ensure I get my fix. While these tips will be from a husband's perspective but I think a few can still be applicable to females and those in the boyfriends/girlfriends stage. Feel free to add your own suggestions in the comments section.