6 Marvel Characters Who Could Have Games Better Than Spider-Man

Which other Marvel heroes can do whatever a spider can?

By Stacey Henley /

Creative Director of the new PS4 exclusive Spider-Man has game Brian Intihar recently talked about the prospect of Spidey kicking off a Marvel Gaming Universe.


Square Enix hold the rights to an Avengers game, and now that subsidiary Crystal Dynamics are finished with the Tomb Raider Trilogy, it looks as though it'll be their next project.

The main thing gamers appreciate about the new Spider-Man title is that it is very obviously not a movie tie in, but instead is a game that can truly be the jumping off point for its own unique universe. The comics and the movies have always felt like they were part of something much bigger than themselves, but too often games have fallen short in that regard.

The success and general awesomeness of Spider-Man means it’s bound to get a sequel at some point. But in the meantime, there are lots of heroes who could take up the mantle and enrich the Marvel Gaming Universe with their powers.

6. Black Widow

Black Widow is yet to be given a central role on the big screen, with The Winter Soldier giving her the most time to excel. While some fans were slightly disappointed that she was relegated to the supporting cast with a limited story in Infinity War, a game could really allow her to shine - at least until her solo movie comes out.


Comic book Black Widow has access to far more gadgets than the movie Widow, so it wouldn't be difficult for a Widow game to include some Splinter Cell-esque loadouts. Her game could be more of a stealth title as opposed to Spidey’s action-heavy one, or even a combination of both, with Black Widow scurrying through some levels unseen while back flipping through others like an old-school Lara Croft.

The MCU movies all have different personalities, so it makes sense the games would too. A Black Widow title would be like Assassin’s Creed with more a futuristic inventory - hopefully without all those escort quests.
