6 Possibilities For Yuke's New Wrestling Video Game IP

With Yuke's competing against itself with a new wrestling IP, what type of game will they make?

By Zachary Perez /

Hiromi Furuta, Yuke's senior vice president, shocked us all with the announcement that Yuke's would be creating their own competition. A brand new wrestling IP, existing separately from the annual WWE 2K series. Confusing some by being their own competitors, Furuta said "when we had competitors in the wrestling space, we were determined not to lose and that was a great motivator for creating something great." But that is about where the details dry up.


Speculation has begun to run rampant on what this game could be. There are so many unexplored territories of what a wrestling game could be. And at this point, given the lack of competition and variety, anything new is a welcome addition.

But with so many possibilities of where this can go, there are certainly more appealing options than others. Flexibility and creativity are great, but we don't want something completely outlandish either. Nobody wants this to turn into some sort of wrestling card game, or puzzle mash up like WWE Champions. But, to get the disappointment out of the way early this new IP very well could just be a...

6. Mobile Game

The least satisfying option available, but also not unlikely. Yuke's is currently developing this game with an internal team. They also have yet to confirm support from publisher 2K which could point in this direction. It's not going to live up to the hype of a new wrestling IP, but it is technically a new wrestling game.


But this can still be a potential positive. A true mobile wrestling game with a comparable play style to what we get on consoles could be a great experience. At the moment, MDickie is the only developer to achieve a full experience akin to this. And although there is nothing wrong with those games, it is certainly a vastly different style than WWE 2K.

This doesn't just have to be a mobile port like NBA 2K19 though. It leaves open the chance of doing essentially anything on this list but just on phones. This doesn't need to limit their creativity just because the device isn't an Xbox or a PlayStation. Let's all still hope it's a console game though.
