7 Dynasty Warrior Spin-Offs We Need To Play

First Hyrule Warriors, then... the world!

By Cameron Davies /

Dynasty Warriors is a weird franchise. Set during the Three Kingdoms era of China, Dynasty Warriors is a spin-off to the Romance of the Three Kingdoms franchise.


The Dynasty Warriors games task you with wiping out armies whilst your own army sits around wondering what they're going to make for tea that night.

The thing is, the battles of the Wu, Wei, and Shu kingdoms have limited appeal. So Dynasty Warriors, a franchise that is already a spin-off, decided to start making some spin-offs of its own in the form of crossovers with other franchises. We're two layers of spin-offs deep here.

Dynasty Warriors has crossed over with The Legend of Zelda, Persona 5, One Piece, Fire Emblem and more. With a Dynasty Warriors game based on The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity) being the best selling game in the entire franchise, it's clear that more and more franchises will be getting the Dynasty Warriors treatment in the near future.

It turns out the premise of overpowered characters taking down entire armies can be applied to a surprising amount of franchises.

7. Star Wars

Koei Tecmo has shown interest in making a Star Wars Dynasty Warriors crossover in the past. Now that Disney has ended their exclusivity deal with EA, the doors are wide open for this to happen.


The two franchises are perfect for one another. Star Wars has always been a series about the main characters wiping out dozens of expendable enemies, and the lightsabers would lend themselves perfectly to a franchise that mostly focuses on melee combat.

But how would a Star Wars Warriors (or whatever they end up calling it) work?

Well, you could have an original story set in the Star Wars universe with its own characters. If we're being honest though when you hear of a Star Wars game where you get to play as multiple characters, you want to play as the already established Star Wars characters, not some Koei Tecmo OC.

The best bet is probably to give us a little of everything. Just adapt the battles from the nine films into awesome Dynasty Warrior chapters where you get to play as your favourite characters.

Give us some cool Star Wars vehicles to give the game some variety from the regular ground combat and we're in business.
