7 Greatest Video Game Boss Fights Of 2013

The very best of 2013's gaming big bads.

By Robert Kojder /

The art of the boss battle is often synonymous with gaming in general. You would be hard-pressed to find even non-gamers that would look on in confusion if you uttered the term. If a superhero is often perceived as only capably being as good as his arch-nemesis, than it€™s entirely reasonable to believe that maybe a video game is only as good as its boss battles. After all, the objective usually is to take down some nefarious up-to-no-gooder. I do not agree with that assessment after 2013 though. While looking back on the year in gaming €“ which includes well over 75 games played - I noticed that there weren€™t many boss battles period, let alone a bottomless pit of treasures to choose from. In an article like this, a writer€™s first instinct is to immediately glance at the best games 2013 had to offer €“ or our own Scott Taliford€™s brilliant countdown feature- and pick out the best boss battles from those games. There€™s only one problem; some of the biggest games literally had none! The Last of Us purposely bucked this cliché of introducing some godlike monstrosity that is unlike anything you€™ve ever faced in the game, and instead chose to focus on its character piece driven narrative. Also, some of these games just had flat-out awful boss fights that didn€™t properly flow within the game mechanics. I€™m looking at you Bioshock: Infinite! Despite that if you look hard €“ and ironically in a few cases towards some terrible to average games- there are some diamonds in the rough. The volume may have been slightly lower this year, but there were still some unforgettable battles. Before we move on though€

Dishonourable Mention

Queen €“ Aliens: Colonial Marines

It's unlikely that you'd find many defenders of this one in any area of game design: it€™s essentially Duke Nukem Forever, but truly terrible and featuring a story loosely connected to the franchise legacy. It€™s a piece of garbage and its final boss battle is no exception. Fighting a Queen sounds an incredibly prospect on the surface, but the execution here is dumbfounding and completely amateurish. It essentially consists of you sneaking around the cargo area of a plane to pull 3 levels, that when activated release a metal crate that knocks the Queen out of the plane. It seriously feels like boss design taken out of a 1996 Capcom trash bin.