7 Memorable Zelda Dungeons: Ranked From Worst To Best

Yup, there's something worse than the Water Temple...

By Thomas Delfino /

Throughout its thirty year life span, The Legend of Zelda has enthralled millions of gamers across the globe.


Tight controls, tense combat, and challenging puzzles have graced Nintendo's series since its inception, and these qualities have helped Zelda become one of the most beloved video game franchises of all time. Yet, despite these noteworthy qualities, the greatest attribute of Zelda as a series, is the design of its dungeons.

Perhaps the most essential component of Zelda, dungeons act as the primary obstacle in every instalment, being complex labyrinths riddled with enemies, puzzles - and a nefarious boss. Although the concept of a dungeon sounds simplistic and repetitive, Zelda fans understand how diverse each dungeon truly is.

Although the majority of dungeons in The Legend of Zelda are enjoyable, a few failures still exist, and after eighteen Zelda games, there are numerous memorable dungeons - though they are not always memorable for the right reasons.

Some have have been incredibly frustrating or just plain unfair, yet they stick with gamers just as much the brilliant ones. This list examines seven of most memorable Zelda dungeons ever created, for better or worse...

7. Temple Of The Ocean King - Phantom Hourglass

Anyone that played The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass will never forget the Temple of the Ocean King, even though they wish they could. This dungeon seems simple enough at the outset; the player must use Link and Knight-Zelda to solve puzzles and navigate this temple before time runs out. No big deal right? Wrong.


For some reason, the developers decided that once just wasn't enough for this dungeon. Players must revisit the Temple of the Ocean King every time they complete one of Phantom Hourglass' other dungeons. Continually sailing back and forth to the temple is tedious enough, but the true horror within is its infuriating repetition.

Players are forced to complete each section of the Temple of the Ocean every single time they enter it. It's one thing to revisit the same location multiple times, but making players complete the exact same tasks multiple times is infuriating. There is nothing satisfying about solving the same puzzles and defeating the same enemies over and over again.

How did Nintendo think this was a good idea?

The annoying repetition of the Temple of the Ocean King makes it feel more like work than a game, and players that suffered through it won't soon forget. But if it must be remembered, then let's remember the Temple of the Ocean King as the worst dungeon in Zelda history.
