7 Rarest Video Game Party Members You Totally Missed

Missing Out On Unlocking Your Future Best Friends.

By Jules Gill /

When you're staring down the barrel of a gun made of evil firing bullets of sheer nefarious and handled by the Devil themselves, you might gulp loudly at the prospect of overcoming the odds.


Therefore it's always nice when, in such overblown situations, when you can turn to your allies to help you out of such a sticky jam.

Whether it's supporting you on the battlefield, or making sure that your armies are well fed and stocked with the best gear, it's worth remembering that a video game hero is sometimes only as strong as the support they give and receive from others.

As such it can be quite the exhilarating rush to add a new face to your lineup of trusted warriors, and equally, as devastating to have to say goodbye to them should the worst happen (or you click the wrong dismissal button).

Yet some video games don't dole out the best damage dealer willy nilly, and will make you work hard, sometimes under hidden parameters in order to unlock the hottest roster members going, making for some truly jaw-dropping moments when you actually recruit them, or when you realize you've spent 70+ hours and will have to do it all again as you've missed your one shot!

7. Yuffie - Final Fantasy 7

With the recent announcement that Yuffie will be joining the outstanding Final Fantasy 7 Remake experience what better time than now than to reminisce over how some players totally missed out on recruiting this spritely and very flighty ninja to their team in the original game?


When you're on the charming and grandiose world map of Final Fantasy 7 and pass through a wooded area, there's a low chance that instead of taking on one of the fantastical beasts residing within, that Yuffie, a ninja of the Wutai region, will pop up instead.

The battle with her is pretty straightforward, with her insults and ability to run away with some of your money usually stinging more than her attacks, but should you best her in combat you'll be presented with some dialogue options that serve as the final test to recruit her to the party.

It's actually a pretty funny back and forth as in order to get her on board, you actually need to act like the aloof and somewhat prick that Cloud can be and respond in a dismissive manner, upon which you'll annoy her so much that she'll tag along for the rest of the adventure.

Yuffie is a brilliant character, full of peppy energy, and possesses the brilliant ability to steal from enemies with a high chance of success, but many players missed out on this entirely as while her encounter rate does climb more and more the longer you don't meet her, it's still very possible to bypass her battle by chance, and then fudge the dialogue so that she scapers with your cash resetting the encounter all over again!
