8 BEST Movie Tie-In Video Games EVER

The movie video games that are actually worth playing.

By Jack Pooley /

We've all played our fair share of dud video games based on movies over the years, because often publishers end up spending so much money on the license for said movie that there's little left to, y'know, make the game.


That's without even getting into the tight developmental deadlines within which these games are frequently produced, to ensure their release coincides with the movie hitting screens around the world.

As potentially lucrative as these games can be, the risk of failure is also sky-high under such conditions, and so it's perhaps little surprise that video games based on movies have become considerably rarer in recent years.

And yet, despite their reputation for being low-effort cash-ins, there have been some truly great movie games over the years, which didn't merely lean on alluring branding and actually showed a genuine reverence for the IP.

Better still, these superb movie tie-ins offered up innovative gameplay and unexpected twists on the expected formula, perhaps even paving the way for future titles based on the franchise.

Undeniably cack though the overwhelming majority of movie video games are, these glorious exceptions to the rule are well worth seeking out...

8. Die Hard Trilogy

Rather than develop a game based on just the original Die Hard, Probe Entertainment instead decided to cram three games based on the first three movies into a single retail release.


The fantastically feature-rich Die Hard Trilogy adapts the first movie into a third-person shooter set inside Nakatomi Plaza, while Die Hard 2 is reimagined as an on-rails shooter with light gun support, and Die Hard with a Vengeance is a gloriously deranged, gory driving game set across the streets of New York City.

Fox could've absolutely sold these games as separate releases, but in an uncommonly pro-consumer move, delivered them all for one RRP. 

The result is a fantastically diverse compendium that nails the vibe of the Die Hard movies, from the bombastic, bloody action to the wise-cracking one-liners and everything else in-between. 

It feels like precisely the sort of weird-yet-amazing movie game we just wouldn't get nowadays.

Die Hard Trilogy is certainly beloved by many who played it on release, though its below-the-radar rep doesn't cohere with just how damn fun it actually is.
