8 Biggest Pain In The Ass Gaming Achievements

Ever completed Battletoads? No, of course you haven't.

By Nathan Smolinski /

Some trophies and achievements are easier than others. While most require a play through, some are as simple as inserting a disk and starting the game. Then there are some that feel like they aren't even worth the time and effort of a bronze. These are the achievements that seem to be the bane of our gaming existences until we finally get it to pop and that glorious platinum is ours. Most of us don't have the time or patience to dust off that yellowed controller to play through Mega Man X without taking damage but there are people out there that will. Dedicated people. Dedicated and if not just a bit crazy - people. For those of us who are vain enough to spend hours on end finding every hidden package because 99% completion looks like a bad mark on our records, this one's for you.

8. "Bladder Of Steel" - Rock Band 2

A testament to gaming's more absurd tasks. In order to achieve "Bladder of Steel", the player must put on a seven hour plus show not seen since the days of a Grateful Dead jam session or a John Bonham drum solo without a break (hence the name.) A setlist of every last song must be played in one sitting to unlock this achievement. Cue Billy Mays rocking a Stratocaster - "But wait! There's more!" While playing the game's entire setlist may seem like a task in itself, the title of the achievement says it all. No bathroom breaks. No clock stoppage. No pausing, even to change controllers if a battery dies. It is recommended to try and achieve this goal with a friend if a rotating band is unavailable. If you'd rather go for this achievement than put in a solid work day, charge your batteries and don't chug that Mountain Dew beforehand. Or if you do, save the bottle. It may come in handy.