8 Biggest Pain In The Ass Gaming Achievements

7. Just Playing - Superman 64

There are no achievements for beating Superman 64. In fact, no one wins. The only goal one can reach is actually playing the game, which is a chore in itself. That's not to say that this is a hard game based on its merits,which would have been fine - it's a hard game based strictly on its flaws, which are beyond abundant. Try getting past the first level - we dare you. And if you do come out of your bunker days later, balding from the hair you pulled out and have actually achieved the impossible, we salute you. Seriously. We'll shake your hand and give you a plaque that reads, "I completed Superman 64 and as a result have become mentally unfit to stand trial." Superman 64's complications go back long before the game's release. After a less than favorable presentation at E3 '98, the Man Of Steel's 64 bit adventure was delayed a year to fix complications that ranged from frame rate issues to gameplay mechanics and unresponsive controls. Unfortunately for earth's favourite Kryptonian, a single year was not nearly enough time to fix all the problems left plaguing the game. Destined to be known in a class of other "historic" games such as Atari's ET and most recently the nail in the coffin of Duke Nukem, Superman 64 will go on to live in infamy as one of the biggest piles the gaming industry has ever produced.

I enjoy watching bad movies and over analyzing them, the worse the better. I have a pet frog named IHOP and a vast collection of lightsabers.