8 Deleted Video Game Levels & Assets That Change EVERYTHING

Sometimes things are left on the cutting room floor for a good reason.

By Lewis Parker /

More often than not, developers are content leaving remnants of unfinished data and code behind when they ship their games. The modern developer is smart enough to know there are certain people out there who love nothing more than rooting through every folder and file name on a game disc, just to find one morsel of unreleased or hidden content.


Of course, developers hide these things for good reason.

Either they were features that had to be removed because of some kind of legal ramification, or they simply ran out of time to implement a certain piece of content before a deadline came around.

Nine times out of ten however, these leftovers are either useless or just downright not interesting.

Sometimes it's just nondescript placeholder artwork that proves wholly uninteresting, or that the content in question is so unfinished and garbled that even mega-nerds can't find pleasure in it.

Rarey though, this content was meant to be inaccessible for good reason.

Either someone, somewhere, was definitely supposed to scrub these remnants of data from game's disc before release, or, worse, they did erase said data... only for modders to find a way to restore it anyway.

8. Simon Kills Maria - Bloodborne

Bloodborne, like every one of From Software's Souls titles before it, is full to the brim with content that was left on the cutting room floor. Unlike it's predecessors however, accessing this data has proven difficult due to the fact that the title is a PS4 exclusive.


In spite of this, YouTuber and video game wizard Lance McDonald has uncovered a wealth of hidden content within the game's files, managing to restore certain cut events to their fully working glory - like this specific event between Lady Maria and Simon the Harrowed.

Yet, arguably the most interesting pieces of cut content can be accessed by anyone, as long as you have an internet connection and a copy of the game. Entering specific glyphs at the Chalice Dungeon graves, as outlined in this Reddit post, will transport the player to dungeons they were never supposed to reach.

These dungeons vary anywhere from test rooms featuring literally EVERY enemy in the game in one compact space, to weirdly incomplete rooms featuring equally weirdly incomplete bosses that can't be found anywhere else in the game.
