8 Deleted Video Game Levels & Assets That Change EVERYTHING

7. A Ton Of Unused Bosses - Cuphead

goldeneye 007 bonds
Studio MDHR

Cuphead has an absolute wealth of content hidden within its debug menu, ranging from unfinished weapons to charms that weren't fully implemented. Some of these can be loaded back into the game, though some either don't work at all or just straight up soft-lock the game

However, the most interesting hidden content lies within the cut boss fights that are buried within the game files. Using Cuphead's secret debug menu, these can all be experienced first-hand on PC (but fair warning, in doing so you run the risk of wiping your save files so tread carefully)

One of these bosses is even mostly finished. Pachi-Pachi, likely a remnant from the cut "Coin Op Bop" level, has some placeholder geometry and a few unfinished animations for his moves, but has a programmed death animation and can be beaten.

The rest of the bosses were much less further along in development when they were scrapped. "Card", a mix between a boss fight and a game of Puyo Puyo, is completely impossible to defeat and "The Light" boss fight is maybe best seen to be believed.

The going theory is that these will (hopefully!) be added in the Delicious Last Course DLC in 2020.


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