8 Essential Features Every Future Video Game Desperately Needs
Why can't we reliably pause cutscenes without accidentally skipping them?!
suitably gorgeous wet pavement or realising mirrors have working reflections, there are a bevy of tiny things that only come to mind when you're totally immersed in your favourite titles. As such, these are the most essential additions to the titles of the future that literally every single game would benefit from. Submit your own in the comments below, and see how much you agree with what's already being suggested.
The gaming industry has come an awful long way since the plinky plonk days of old, thundering into the HD-demanding resolutions of modern times with a pace that isn't slowing down any time soon. That said, there are a handful of consumer demands that don't fall under the banner of "Just make it shinier this time." Where franchises like Assassin's Creed and Call of Duty have sequelised themselves into an early grave - adhering to the nonsensical demand that every subsequent instalment must continually be a completely different beast than the last - there are only a handful of developers out there actually listening to things we gamers genuinely want and need. That's going to sound vague, but you'll get a handle on what this article's all about soon enough. Like being able to retrieve your arrows after firing, marvelling at a