8 Exact Moments Video Games Went Off The Rails

Zombie John Cena, anyone??

By Jules Gill /

Making a video game is kind of like trying to fit a puzzle together. All the pieces need to make one coherent vision and it's very easy for one missing piece to totally detail the entire experience.


After all, if I'm missing the head of a duck on my "100 Ducks In A Pond" puzzle, how am I meant to know how many ducks are in the bloody pond? 80? 3? 1000?


Whether intentional or not, a bad boss, cheesy line of dialogue, or a particularly immersion-breaking moment can make things spiral out of control, either leading the narrative down a particularly incredulous path or leaving players adrift wondering what the hell just happened.

Some titles do this intentionally just to keep you on your toes, others to test what it truly means to be a game, but the end result is the same, utter bemusement of those playing it and anyone in the local vicinity.

8. The Secret Ending - The Witness

The Witness is one of those masterful titles that manages to say an awful lot without actually saying a single word. Evoking a powerful sense of satisfaction from the player when they complete one of the many, many abstract goals, Jonathan Blow's puzzler is one of the all-time best in the genre.


It's also one of the absolute weirdest thanks to its secret ending.

If there's one thing that puzzle games tend to do it operates on a sense of logic and rules, as no matter what you're trying to solve or how you do it, there's a chain of command that has to be followed.

So, imagine your surprise when you unlock the secret ending that shows the entire game appears to have been the direct result of an unnamed man's dreams who was hooked up to a machine, who then proceeds to act out a series of rather weird movements and actions, from toppling towers of coins, to playing with toys, to eating biscuits before escaping outside.

I'm sorry did we just skip about twenty chapters....and books...and realitie,s and now I'm in David Lynch's home VHS collection?

It's the type of ending that won't leave you questioning what the hell you've just witnessed (pun intended) but what even is reality.
