8 Most Ridiculously Complex Video Game Plots

Crazy plot twists, enormous casts and jumping the shark.

By Callum Fox /

Video games have evolved over past years and decades to become incredibly deep story-telling devices, often rivalling books and films in terms of complexity. Certain game series have now made names for themselves, priding themselves on marrying excellent gameplay with a deep and interesting plot, but with such evolution comes new pitfalls as stories spiral out of control and plot lines are left unresolved. This is evident in cases where writers take it too far and gamers are left with a mind-bending mess of plot lines, struggling to make head or tails of the latest plot twist. In rare examples, the player is left in disbelief as the story chucks story-telling conventions out of the window entirely and jumps the shark. This phenomenon is all too prevalent, and invariably signals a decline in quality, although some games do manage to retain some semblance of sense, often by the skin of their teeth. The major takeaway from the modern Story Wars is that there are examples even in the premium releases where the plot is a tangled mess, forcing players to keep notes, and in rare cases, resort to searching the internet for some explanation of what the hell just happened. What follows is a look through some of the more complex plots known to gaming.
