8 Most Ridiculously Complex Video Game Plots

8. Metal Gear Solid

Hideo Kojima€™s creation is well known for its mind-boggling complex plot, stretching over a host of sequels and prequels, but funnily enough, the first Metal Gear Solid was one of the most tightly- written plots in gaming, with very little left up in the air once the story was said and done. Unfortunately, the follow-up sequel Sons of Liberty blew the plot wide open. Sons of Liberty had fans who were expecting to play as Solid Snake flapping as they instead controlled a new protagonist tackling a new terrorist organisation and uncovering the secrets of a far-reaching conspiracy created by the Patriots. What followed was a taxing mess of staggering revelations and plot lines that required extensive note-taking to keep any track of the story. This trend continued in the rest of the series, arguably made even worse by the constant switching of protagonists, especially to Raiden in Sons of Liberty and Big Boss in the subsequent prequels. An overarching story starting in 1964 and finishing in 2018, encompassing no less than 11 individual games and featuring three separate protagonists, makes for one of gaming€™s most complex plots. And it still hasn€™t finished with Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain set to arrive in 2015.
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