8 Nintendo Switch Criticisms That Also Apply To The PS4 & Xbox One

All's fair in love and console war, but keep it fair.

By Scott Tailford /


If you've spent any time on the internet since the Nintendo Switch launched, you'll be fully aware of its roster of problems, bugbears and technical issues. That's not to say the system is an out-and-out failure, far from it, but the cultural reception outside of 1.5 million units sold (and counting), has been slightly tepid at best.


Contrast this to where Sony and Microsoft are at right now (though it feels as though the latter have fallen down a well), and there's a demonstrable difference between hardware specs, available bodies of titles, exclusives and everything in between. It's a gap so great, the vibe surrounding the Switch is one of isolation - Nintendo are clearly happy to operate on their own little island, not caring one jot about truly competing with the 'big boys', despite the Switch having better third-party support than the Wii U ever had.

Granted, all's fair in love and console war, but this rush to damn the Switch out the gate, proclaim it "dead" or completely unable to stand toe to toe against the PS4 and Xbox One is facile. 4K functionality and units shipped do not equal abject quality, and that's before you realise pretty much every major complaint levied against Nintendo's new baby, is - or was - easily applied to what's already on the market.
