8 Video Game Characters Who Made THE WORST Decisions

Saving the day didn't exempt these heroes from making some pretty dumb decisions.

By Jules Gill /

It's an inevitable truth that at some point in our lives we will all make mistakes. Whether big or small, it happens and nobody is going to be marching through the pearly gates claiming they had a perfect run (unless they're highly deluded) and as such we should learn not to fear the mistake itself, but how to deal with accepting the fact that they happened.


That being said, when it comes to video games, sometimes the mistake makers in question really did drop the ball, as here we're not just talking about the Jurgenson account being a day late, or forgetting to record Taggart for your nan, but often the very end of the world itself.

Even when charging headlong into the battle, sometimes out favourite heroes can make horrendous decisions that sometimes lead to catastrophic, terrifying or otherwise hilariously dumb outcomes. So let's revel in the regrettable errors our beloved leads have made across their time.

8. Letting Dr. Wiley Go - Mega Man Franchise

For the amount of chaos that Dr. Wiley has caused across the span of the Mega Man games, you'd think that someone at some point would have said something like "hmm maybe we should lock this guy up?" as it definitely seems that it would cut robot-related crimes in half, if not totally remove them, with this decision.


He's evil through and through, even going so far as to sleep in skull patterned pajamas so you should never, ever trust a word out of his mustachioed-villain mouth, and yet despite all the hurt, paint and turmoil he's caused, MEGA MAN ALWAYS ENDS UP FORGETTING TO LOCK THE BASTARD UP.

In what can assumedly only be a programming error, the Blue Bomber will time and time again, have Dr. Wiley cornered, on his knees begging for forgivenes, and then just....let him go. I know that you want to save the day and get all the praise here but there are better ways to go about it than by letting the main villain escape over and over.

However maybe we're being too harsh, maybe Mega Man doesn't actually have a decision and is actually part of a failsafe program installed by a sentimental Dr. Light in order to avoid the needless death of his former friend, yet if that's the case then we need to be asking Dr. Light some serious questions.
