8 Video Game Decisions You HAD To Make (Because You Weren't Levelled Enough)

It ain't easy being cheesy.

By Jack Pooley /

There's nothing quite like that pit-of-the-stomach feeling in a game where you know you're grossly unprepared for the battle ahead, at which point you summarily get your ass handed to you by a boss or enemy who had your number from the jump.


Being underlevelled or underpowered can leave players in a tough spot, where they have to figure out the right path through and how to put their best foot forward.

And sometimes that means making some tricky, unconventional, and perhaps even less-than-ideal decisions in order to extricate themselves from this most hard place they've found themselves.

Perhaps you were forced to choose violence against your better instincts, rely on an exploit to keep chugging onward, or employ the most shamelessly cheesy strategy possible to get through.

Whatever the action itself, it all came about because you were wildly outfoxed in these video games - up the proverbial creek without a paddle, as it were. 

And even if there were technically other options available to you, they all whiffed of the thing so many of us hate - hard work.

When faced with these uphill struggles, these were the only feasible choices...

8. Cheesing The Dragonrider - Dark Souls II

If you're just not levelled-up enough to take on a tricky boss and all other avenues have been exhausted, it's time to whip out a cheese strategy that'll keep you chugging along, stats be-damned.


And that's evidently what many did when they came unstuck while battling the Dragonrider in Dark Souls II. While surely one of the game's less-challenging bosses, he can nevertheless prove a tenacious obstacle for unprepared players still in the midst of gittin' gud.

For all but the most pride-filled of players, there is however another way - a now-infamous method to basically trick the lead-footed Dragonrider into shuffling himself off his own mortal coil.

First things first, while you'll likely be compelled to pull the levers which make the battle arena larger, betray your own instincts and don't do that. Instead, keep the arena small, wait for him to approach you, then roll to the right as he gets close.

The Dragonrider will then take a clumsy swing at you and send himself falling right off the platform edge to his instant doom. 

There's taking the time to finesse your skills and boost your stats, and then there's just... letting a boss basically trip over his own shoelaces. You love to see it.
