8 Video Game Decisions You HAD To Make (Because You Weren't Levelled Enough)

7. Beating Up Cameron - Fallout 2

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Cait Sith

Skill checks are a major part of many RPGs, where a game will test whether one of your specific attributes reaches the minimum that's expected or even required of you.

And one of the fiercest skill checks in Fallout 2 comes early on in the Temple of Trials - effectively the game's tutorial area. 

The final test at the end of the temple sees players challenged by Cameron, the outcome of which will differ depending on your character's build at this point in the game.

For many, the ideal solution will be to talk Cameron out of the fight altogether, but this requires players to have 4 Intelligence and the Speech skill tagged, ensuring that those who've invested their skills elsewhere are basically out of diplomatic options.

And so, you're left to either try and pickpocket his key or, more likely, beat the snot out of him unarmed. It's not the neatest or most cunning way, but it is a way if your hero is a little lacking in the noggin department.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.