8 Video Games That'll Make You Hate Your Friends

Get a crown, lose a friend.

By Jules Gill /

As an old man (aka a person in their 30s, which is pretty much the same as being socially deceased) there are times where I look back fondly at the days of gaming gone by. Of content that had to be unlocked rather than simply purchased, of video games that were delivered in a completely working fashion without need for Day One patches bigger than the game itself.


And of course, about the glorious evenings spent shoulder to shoulder with friends blasting through co-op or competitive games on the sofa.

The exhilaration of taking down a tough boss with friends or solving a logic puzzle through each player pulling their weight is something unparalleled in gaming, and while online functionality has allowed us to connect with players all over the world, there's something special about being able to high five the person next to you and toast your own success.

... Or as is the case of this list, punch them in the arm for being a dick, stealing the power-up you were angling for or just messing up a run in spectacular fashion.



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8. Kalimba

Oh, Kalimba, how I absolutely loathe thee.


Now to be clear Kalimba is a fascinatingly brilliant game with an incredibly simple yet glorious premise. You control a set of totem pole looking characters and must traverse a stage filled with obstacles and pitfalls, however much like a pigs genitals there's a twist, for you see the obstacles on the top and lower half don't line up, meaning when you're jumping to clear one set, you might actually be launching your other character into some deadly roof spikes.

This makes for a challenging yet ultimately satisfying experience as you try to balance both sides of your brain all the while reacting on the fly. As you can imagine that takes a lot of patience, planning, and dexterity. And as you can also imagine this goes out the !*$% window when you let a mate play the game with you.

Suddenly the concept of teamwork is stretched to paper-thin levels, as each of you now has to contend not only wiht your own obstacles but also rely on the other not to screw you over with bad timing. Which happens. A lot.

By the end of things, you might be mirroring the grimacing faces of your characters due to the sheer rage bubbling inside you. Have fun.
