8 Video Games That'll Make You Hate Your Friends

7. Overcooked

Fall guys

Let's make something crystal clear: Cooking, whether for a group of friends, you family or even yourself can be a thoroughly rewarding experience.

However it's not always a relaxed affair, with so many pots boiling over and timers going off all over the place making for a soundtrack to a personal meltdown.

Now take that, add in some screaming kids, demanding customers, and an atmosphere so tense you'd swear you were working inside a pressure cooker and voilla you've got Overcooked, a game purpose designed to par boil your friendships.

Trying to work together as orders come in immediately becomes stressful because invariably someone will have to designate themselves as head chef and stark barking out orders, and as dishes usually require the whole team to be pulling their weight at all times, this means that when things go wrong, they go wrong fast.

On top of this are levels that see the kitchen shifting all over the place, obstacles that block certain areas off for some players, and of course the possibility of random fires, meaning that Overcooked is a heart attack at even the most laid back of times.

Better make sure the knife cabinet has a lock when you play this with people in your own house.


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.