8 Ways Assassin’s Creed Rogue Is The Best In The Series

The best in the series is also the most underrated.

By Adam Hogg /


Ever since being released back in 2014, Assassin’s Creed: Rogue flew under pretty much everyone’s radar, playing second fiddle to Assassin’s Creed: Unity which was released the same year. Receiving very little advertising and almost being hidden away by Ubisoft, Rogue was overlooked immensely in favour for Unity. Which was a crying shame since it was an outstanding game and, ultimately, the best in the series.


Choosing a favourite Assassin’s Creed game is damn near impossible and no matter who you ask, chances are they will tell you something different. But Assassin’s Creed: Rogue had so much, taking the solid groundwork the series had built over numerous titles and building on it, crafting a refined and brilliant game. Improving on previous titles, Rogue managed to succeeded in bringing all the brilliance of the previous games and making an incredibly enjoyable Assassin’s Creed game.

Being one of the stronger entries in the franchise and not nearly as appreciated as it should be, Rogue deserves some love. And for crafting such a brilliant story and game-play experience it should be regarded quite highly in the ranks. And while many may disagree and herald another game as the best, here are 10 ways in which Assassin’s Creed Rogue is the best in the series.
